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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
I'm ready to CTB this year. My DESIRED Method: Firearm. It's ALWAYS been my desired method. Either with a .357 Magnum like Budd Dwyer (and the gun my best friend used to CTB coincidentally), or a shotgun (which is much cheaper and the 'gold standard' of firearms to CTB with). I've imagined myself installing a skylight in the back of my head since I was a teenager. No failed CTB attempts, one and done, total finality. THE PROBLEM: I have a Psychiatric record extending back to the age of 3. I'm diagnosed with Autism and Schizophrenia. I've been involuntarily committed 14 times, my first one being at 11 years old. In 2016, a filthy Psychroach (what Psychiatrists deserve to be called) marked me as "a danger to others." I've been through mental health court.

Criminal record wise: I'm totally clean. But I happen to live in New Jersey which has simultaneously the most Draconian gun laws AND if my history is any indication, the most Draconian mental health laws.

As a backup method, I consider myself BLESSED to have a home with a literal perfect hanging area, and I already have a quality nautical supply rope. Full suspension hanging is a tried and true method, but there's no question it's not as ideal as using a firearm. I really, really want to go out with a firearm. Have you ever seen the infamous Budd Dwyer video? That guy was dead before he hit the ground.

Someone on here mentioned a website called Armslist, which I've been checking out, but I'm very paranoid about getting caught purchasing a gun, and it being deemed an "illegal purchase" by police. And the police literally know my face around here from how many times the Psychiatric system has sicked them on me. In the state of New Jersey - being caught with a gun illegally is 3 to 5 years in prison.

So I'm faced with this dilemma: Obtain a firearm which guarantees instant death, but risk going to jail at any point in the obtaining of or owning of it. OR opt for full suspension hanging - which carries the risk of something going wrong resulting in vegetative brain damage.

So what say you all? Is there a way I could access a firearm with minimal legal risk, OR should I just suck it up and go for full suspension hanging? (Keep in mind I really, REALLY would rather go out via firearm)
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Apr 15, 2022
I'm sorry, but I see no way you'd be able to purchase a gun by legal methods. You are prohibited by both state and federal law.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
I won't suggest you break any gun laws. But someone in your case could theoretically go to another state, and buy from a private seller (gun show for instance) and not have to do any background checks or fill out any ATF forms. It's only when you buy from licensed dealers that you have to do that
Btw, buying something like a single shot shotgun will be way easier and draw less attention that a pistol
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Apr 11, 2024
I won't suggest you break any gun laws. But someone in your case could theoretically go to another state, and buy from a private seller (gun show for instance) and not have to do any background checks or fill out any ATF forms. It's only when you buy from licensed dealers that you have to do that
Btw, buying something like a single shot shotgun will be way easier and draw less attention that a pistol
Seconding this, less risky than buying illegally. Linking a site below which has updated gun laws by state, imo Pennsylvania is your best bet close to you to get a shotgun without issue.

Link is a bit old but was current with my new state's law and I think is correct for PA as well.
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
Thanks all for the advice. I think it's a matter of commitment on my part. If I want to go out with a firearm - I'm going to have use it to CTB the day I purchase it. Fair enough!
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Apr 9, 2024
can someone buy it for you? as a gift? most people who have been institutionalized etc with no criminal activity related to ie, voluntary commitment etc, will get firearms with no issue. I did. I was in a psych ward for 7 days voluntarily when I was 28. I bought 5 firearms since then. zero issues.
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Apr 10, 2024
It's crazy how gun laws vary state to state. NH is not far away. Dark web.
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May 14, 2024
Damn new jersey, was gunna say 3d printing is a super fun hobby.
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Mar 7, 2024
Good luck my friend
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
Know what? I've never actually TRIED applying to buy a gun. Maybe the fact I have no criminal record at all will balance things out. Maybe I'm mistaken and the database isn't as thorough as I'm making it out to be. It can't hurt to apply. I really don't want to have to hang myself if a firearm is an option. I've never attempted CTB at all so I have no idea what SI is going to feel like first hand. I know full suspension with a reliable setup has a high success rate and you're supposed to pass out in 15-30 seconds, but still - pulling a trigger and dying at the speed of sound is so much less frightening than that.

I'll keep you folks updated if my application is approved (I will be THROUGH THE MOON if it does). If not - there IS always the Gun Show loophole (even if I have to drive a ways because the Northeast Tristate area is so cucked when it comes to gun laws).

If all that fails - then I guess I hope full suspension hanging is as quick and painless as the Japanese Suicide Handbook says it is.
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May 11, 2024
I'm so jealous over Americans' access to firearms. Would be my method for sure.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
Know what? I've never actually TRIED applying to buy a gun. Maybe the fact I have no criminal record at all will balance things out. Maybe I'm mistaken and the database isn't as thorough as I'm making it out to be. It can't hurt to apply. I really don't want to have to hang myself if a firearm is an option. I've never attempted CTB at all so I have no idea what SI is going to feel like first hand. I know full suspension with a reliable setup has a high success rate and you're supposed to pass out in 15-30 seconds, but still - pulling a trigger and dying at the speed of sound is so much less frightening than that.

I'll keep you folks updated if my application is approved (I will be THROUGH THE MOON if it does). If not - there IS always the Gun Show loophole (even if I have to drive a ways because the Northeast Tristate area is so cucked when it comes to gun laws).

If all that fails - then I guess I hope full suspension hanging is as quick and painless as the Japanese Suicide Handbook says it is.
Even if you are going the dealer route/ATF form way, still might be easier to make a short drive and go to a less stringent state to make your purchase
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Illegal Preclear

Illegal Preclear

Skull Skylight Installation Specialist.
Sep 6, 2022
I'm so jealous over Americans' access to firearms. Would be my method for sure.
It's not all it's cracked up to be. In the US - States Rights ALSO equals States lack of Rights. Each State has its own set of laws. The state I live in (New Jersey) is absolutely unreal. Only the privileged are allowed to own guns. You can be turned down at the State's complete discretion. I've spoken about this on this forum before, but we have the most Draconian mental health laws in the country. I didn't stand a chance - I was forced into the Mental Health system and experimented on from the age of 3 and my first institutionalization was at 11, so my brain was never able to develop right from all the druggings.

Even if you are going the dealer route/ATF form way, still might be easier to make a short drive and go to a less stringent state to make your purchase
That's going to be the case! I actually attempted to fill out the application and it asks you directly about mental health records.


Knowing this State, I could face legal repercussions 'bending the truth' on the form. But then I was totally roadblocked at the end of the form when they required two references. I'm a disabled shut-in. I don't know anyone aside from family members. And they're going to know EXACTLY what I want the gun for. And even if I had references - I just feel like there's no way they would approve the application because fuck me for being born disabled in the State where Big Pharma basically has it's headquarters and disabled kids (and adults) can legally be used as lab rats.

It would be easier to just hang myself than attempt to legally buy a gun in this State. So it's either that, or drive to a gun show in a State that isn't a Hellhole.
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
References to buy a gun? Jesus.... Yeah, that's wayyy different than my state
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May 20, 2023
I worked in law enforcement previously on the paperwork side of things. It's extremely unlikely that your mental health records will show up on a background check. This is illegal but if it was me I'd lie. I'm not familiar with New Jersey laws but I'm in CA and it's very strict here. We have a ten day waiting period which is ridiculous. You should be able to buy a shotgun or rifle with your NJ license in another state but technically it's probably illegal to bring it into NJ. I'm very pro gun rights. I'll link an article from an anti gun news site but it is rather thorough about the background process.
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Apr 11, 2024
I worked in law engineering previously on the paperwork side of things. It's extremely unlikely that your mental health records will show up on a background check. This is illegal but if it was me I'd lie. I'm not familiar with New Jersey laws but I'm in CA and it's very strict here. We have a ten day waiting period which is ridiculous. You should be able to buy a shotgun or rifle with your NJ license in another state but technically it's probably illegal to bring it into NJ. I'm very pro gun rights. I'll link an article from an anti gun news site but it is rather thorough about the background process.
New Jersey's application is not the same as the federal check through an FFL. I would strongly recommend against doing this as if you were involuntary committed as an adult, it would likely show up in New Jersey's system as it gets reported to the county adjuster's office. Lying on this form could absolutely result in legal issues. If OP was only committed as a minor, those records are usually expunged at 18, but not sure about New Jersey.
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May 20, 2023
New Jersey's application is not the same as the federal check through an FFL. I would strongly recommend against doing this as if you were involuntary committed as an adult, it would likely show up in New Jersey's system as it gets reported to the county adjuster's office. Lying on this form could absolutely result in legal issues. If OP was only committed as a minor, those records are usually expunged at 18, but not sure about New Jersey.
Respectfully I did say it was illegal. Records of being in the psych ward disappear after five years in CA. Lying on a federal forms is a serious offense. But if this individual was recently committed it's illegal for them to purchase a gun period whether in NJ or another state.
They can always be brutally honest on the form about their psychiatric history and say they are seeking treatment and doing better and see if they are approved.


Apr 11, 2024
Respectfully I did say it was illegal. Records of being in the psych ward disappear after five years in CA. Lying on a federal forms is a serious offense. But if this individual was recently committed it's illegal for them to purchase a gun period whether in NJ or another state.
They can always be brutally honest on the form about their psychiatric history and say they are seeking treatment and doing better and see if they are approved.
The problem I'm highlighting isn't legality, I'm all for people acquiring guns by illegal means for the purpose of ending their own suffering. The issue is if you advise OP to lie on the New Jersey application and then he has cops show up at his door, he's going to have problems. If they go to another state and acquire a gun through a private seller, only way they will are in danger of being caught is if the gun is found by authorities in New Jersey. Much different chance from filling out a state application where you blatantly lie on the form.
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Desperate to go--
Mar 14, 2024
I worked in law enforcement previously on the paperwork side of things. It's extremely unlikely that your mental health records will show up on a background check. This is illegal but if it was me I'd lie. I'm not familiar with New Jersey laws but I'm in CA and it's very strict here. We have a ten day waiting period which is ridiculous. You should be able to buy a shotgun or rifle with your NJ license in another state but technically it's probably illegal to bring it into NJ. I'm very pro gun rights. I'll link an article from an anti gun news site but it is rather thorough about the background process.
Have an opinion on Oklahoma? Signed myself into the ER at the recommendation of a medical walk-in clinic for shoulder pain. She deemed that I was suicidal and next thing I know I'm court-ordered to go to a mental hospital for 72hrs. I was only there for like 36? This was maybe 10yrs ago? I don't know what to put on my application or if it will pass. So desperate. Thanks.


Apr 10, 2024
Personally, I don't think anyone cares if you lie on forms.......unless you're rich or powerful. I also don't believe any record is ever eliminated. The keep tabs on everyone. They'll beat you up if you're a threat (or if they're bored), but 99% of people wouldn't get in trouble for checking the wrong box.

You can always claim you forgot about your hospitalization or that you didn't think it applied.....or you misunderstood the question. Obviously, never answer anyone's questions without a lawyer.

2nd amendment is no joke in America. They're more scared of denying someone their constitutional rights.


Nov 26, 2022
I won't suggest you break any gun laws. But someone in your case could theoretically go to another state, and buy from a private seller (gun show for instance) and not have to do any background checks or fill out any ATF forms. It's only when you buy from licensed dealers that you have to do that
Btw, buying something like a single shot shotgun will be way easier and draw less attention that a pistol
Gun shows have FFL dealers selling there, almost exclusively. Private sellers at gun shows who do not have to do a transaction through a FFL are rare, from what I've read. Gun shows are only about 2% of the ways criminals obtain their firearms illegally, so this does not seem like a good option for the OP. Even if OP can find a private seller in another state to buy from, odds are good that that seller would ask for a state ID.

The safest thing for OP would be to first try to speak with a local attorney to find out if it is possible to legally buy in their state, or move to another state.

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