Deleted member 65988

SN. I do-not want to blame any-one. But if I remember correctly, a member had posted the SN bottle image without editing it. Because of that a pro-lifer may have found out, and that SN source now requires a business account in order to purchase it.
This is an important thing that should be known to all who have SN, tear off the label to avoid the source being found.
I have to be successful in my CTB attempt on 30/09/2023 and hopefully be dead in the early morning hours of 1/10/2023. If I am not successful, my life will be ruined permanently. I have to be successful and somehow manage to CTB under the situation I'm in.
I don't know what I'd do in your situation now that your plan has been compromised in some way but I wish you all the best because all of this sounds so stressful to deal.
So, I'm proceeding with my emergency CTB plan carefully and trying to avoid further suspicion. Furthermore, I'm trying to make sure that my intentions aren't fully figured out, also I do-not want to end up in a psych ward. This precarious situation I'm in means that I have to really careful. I cannot afford for my opportunity to CTB to be permanently ruined. Also, my condition is worsening with the progressing days. I do-not want more people to get to know about my worsening condition, and my life being ruined.
Your situation sounds rather desperate and reminds of another member not too long to who had to ctb under similar pressure but they were gonna be homeless, i think it was Kikoo if im not mistaken, that whole situation was very saddening.
I want to CTB and I've already made up my mind. Also, this may sound harsh. But, it's selfish of my parents and any-one else to expect me / force me to live. IDC, it's incredibly selfish of them to expect / force me to live.
It is because it is your choice at the end of the day on what to do with it. I'm still so sorry it's even come to this at all.
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Aug 22, 2023
I don't know what I'd do in your situation now that your plan has been compromised in some way but I wish you all the best because all of this sounds so stressful to deal.
It's indeed stressful. Unfortunately, due to the situation I'm in, I do-not have the luxury of choices. So I'll have to manage with the current situation I'm in.
Your situation sounds rather desperate
Yes, it's indeed desperate, and I'm acting in partial desperation. Because frankly I do-not have much choice. Either I CTB by 30/09/2023 and hopefully be dead in the early morning hours of 1/10/2023.
Or I may not be able to CTB at all in the future as I risk being forcefully sent into treatment, or at worse forcefully shoved into a psych ward. I do-not want to end up being forcefully treated, and possibly end up in a psych ward and be severely restricted in the future. I'll CTB than be alive any further.
and reminds of another member not too long to who had to ctb under similar pressure but they were gonna be homeless, i think it was Kikoo if im not mistaken, that whole situation was very saddening.
Oh god, that's really saddening :aw:. I hope Kikoo successfully found his/her peace and freedom.
It is because it is your choice at the end of the day on what to do with it. I'm still so sorry it's even come to this at all.
It's indeed unfortunate. Suicide wasn't my first option, but then continuing to live is not-an-option at all, and 've already made up my mind. I strongly feel that only CTB will permanently alleviate my pain and suffering once and for all. To continue to live would be further torture for me.
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Deleted member 65988

Yes, it's indeed desperate, and I'm acting in partial desperation. Because frankly I do-not have much choice. Either I CTB by 30/09/2023 and hopefully be dead in the early morning hours of 1/10/2023.
Or I may not be able to CTB at all in the future as I risk being forcefully sent into treatment, or at worse forcefully shoved into a psych ward. I do-not want to end up being forcefully treated, and possibly end up in a psych ward and be severely restricted in the future. I'll CTB than be alive any further.
So it seems that there isn't a viable alternative out of this. It's basically ctb or your life gets even worse than it is right now. Being shoved into a psych ward would be absolutely hell so I understand doing your best to avoid it.
Oh god, that's really saddening :aw:. I hope Kikoo successfully found his/her peace and freedom.
On that front, who knows what happened to Kikoo because the last they ever reported was "pukey" on their goodbye and that was it.
It's indeed unfortunate. Suicide wasn't my first option, but then continuing to live is not-an-option at all. I feel that only CTB will permanently alleviate my pain and suffering once and for all.
Man, this really sounds terrible and again, I'm sorry it's come to this point.
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Aug 22, 2023
So it seems that there isn't a viable alternative out of this. It's basically ctb or your life gets even worse than it is right now. Being shoved into a psych ward would be absolutely hell so I understand doing your best to avoid it.
There's (unfortunately) no other viable alternative option.
And yes, psych ward is a nightmare in my country. So I successfully CTB or my life gets ruined permanently.
On that front, who knows what happened to Kikoo because the last they ever reported was "pukey" on their goodbye and that was it.
I really hope that Kikoo has successfully found peace and freedom.
Man, this really sounds terrible and again, I'm sorry it's come to this point.
It's indeed unfortunate. But it is what it is.
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Deleted member 65988

There's (unfortunately) no other viable alternative option.
And yes, psych ward is a nightmare in my country. So I successfully CTB or my life gets ruined permanently.
As sad as it is, I can't blame you for even doing this. It's just so hard to see you desperately trying to make sure all is in order to ctb.
It's indeed unfortunate. But it is what it is.
Yeah, what else can be done

I'm curious about something, what kind of sleeping pills are you getting?
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Aug 22, 2023
I'm curious about something, what kind of sleeping pills are you getting?
I'm looking to buy 5mg or 10mg sleeping pills which are OTC and do-not require a prescription. The OTC sleeping pills should induce sleepiness in 20-30 minutes or 1.5 hours at max.
Based on the amount of time it takes for the pills to induce sleepiness, I'll buy the optimal one for my usage. However, I have only 2 brands of which I can buy without a prescription.
I can't buy from other brands as they need a prescription from a doc. I'm hoping the sleeping pills will work so that I won't be awake when the SN starts producing the effects in the body, and that I wont experience any discomfort.
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Deleted member 65988

I'm looking to buy 5mg or 10mg sleeping pills which are OTC and do-not require a prescription. The OTC sleeping pills should induce sleepiness in 20-30 minutes or 1.5 hours at max.
Based on the amount of time it takes for the pills to induce sleepiness, I'll buy the optimal one for my usage. However, I have only 2 brands of which I can buy without a prescription.
I can't buy from other brands as they need a prescription from a doc. I'm hoping the sleeping pills will work so that I won't be awake when the SN starts producing the effects in the body, and that I wont experience any discomfort.
That's the key with a sedative compound especially in the case of SN, it isn't going to be easy but at least you have that, in fact, I'd say it's harder to ctb with SN without some form of a Benzo, so glad I have Xanax and how easy it was to acquire from the doctor too. It is possible to take SN without it but because people have their concerns over the discomfort of it, I think it's better to have a sedative rather than not.
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Sep 24, 2023
Have you thought of having a heart to heart talk with your parents? Maybe that's the way forward before the ultimate step of CTB..


Aug 22, 2023
Have you thought of having a heart to heart talk with your parents? Maybe that's the way forward before the ultimate step of CTB..
I really want to, but it's not possible :notsure:.

See, the ting is they already know about the reality of SN. I think they have forgotten about the SN though (as they haven't mentioned anything about it for the past 2-3 days). I'm worried that if I have a heart to heart talk with my parents, they'll get reminded about the SN again and they could figure out my true intentions. I don't want that to happen.

Instead, I'm already writing a suicide note, primarily aimed to the people that I care about, and for those who care about me (my parents included). In that note, I'll write my true heartfelt thoughts and the other stuff that I aim to convey to the people that I cared about and for those who cared about me (my parents included).
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Sep 14, 2023
I am so sorry to hear your sad story. I went through the locked up psych ward scene. They said come in here we have couches and TV and when I went in they locked the door. Sneaky fekers.
I hope you find peace.
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Sep 24, 2023
Bro you really sound like you are not 100% sure about ctb. We all respect your decision, but please think through it very carefully.


Aug 22, 2023
Bro you really sound like you are not 100% sure about ctb. We all respect your decision, but please think through it very carefully.
If I'm being honest, what u've said would be absolutely correct 4 weeks ago .It's no longer the case and I've made up my mind. My condition is worsening as the days progress. I've endured a lot and I cannot handle it anymore.

Also, some people who know about my condition have been treating me like outcasts. My mental health is in shambles. I have no hope left. I have completely given up. I've already made peace with death. I had contemplated multiple times, kept questioning myself and asking if I really want to do this, am I sure about my decision. Also, I've considered multiple factors prior to the decision.

After much contemplation and considering the factors, I had come to the conclusion that CTB would be the only thing that would bring me permanent peace. I'll proceed ahead and CTB.
I am so sorry to hear your sad story. I went through the locked up psych ward scene. They said come in here we have couches and TV and when I went in they locked the door. Sneaky fekers.
I'm really sorry. It's really sickening of them to fool u and lock u up there. It's horrible.
This is what I'm afraid of. I do-not want to end up being forcefully shoved into and locked up in a psych ward. Plus that in my country, psych wards will be a nightmare. I do-not want to end up in a psych ward. Just no.
I hope you find peace.
Thank you. Hoping to succeed in my plans.
Last edited:
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Aug 22, 2023
Another Update:

I've successfully managed to hide one of the SN bottle at home, in an area where my family likely won't check. Also, I've successfully managed to repack the SN package to make it look like I haven't opened it at all. My parents haven't suspected anything yet (at-least as for time being).

Now, my next task is to buy OTC antiemetic tablets, and sleeping pills. Also, I'll be buying measuring cups, plastic cups and plastic tea-spoons so that I can mix the correct amount of SN and water. Additionally, I'll buy super-glue to seal the bathroom-door shut to delay my rescue. I'll start buying them tomorrow. Also, I'm still preparing my suicide note (mainly aimed to the people that I truly care about, and for those who truly cared about me). I should hopefully finish preparing the note by Friday.

Also, regarding the decoy note plan. My mom's phone stopped working, so she's using the spare phone for time being. My dad has ordered a new phone for her which is scheduled to be delivered by 30/09/2023. If the phone's delivered on time, I can use the spare phone for the decoy note plan by leaving the phone on top of the suicide note after setting the alarm. If the newly ordered phone is not delivered on time, the decoy note plan may not work. I'm hoping to be able to use the decoy note plan.

Btw, a important advice to y'all:

>I've had a convo with Mod @Dot , Dot has shared some valuable inputs. Let me explain:
In-case y'all want to post a image of the SN (after editing it to hide the source), remove the exif data. With the exif data in the image, some of the members disguised as pro-lifers can narrow down to your location and it could mean a total disaster. So my advice would be to not post the image without trying to remove most of the (if not all) exif data from the image. Remember that. I had thought of posting the SN image (after editing it). After the valuable input from Dot, I've decided not to post the image.

>My next advice is also important. Please edit out / blur the product name and description that Y'all will use to CTB, pro-lifers are constantly searching for sources and are trying to take down sources / make it harder to obtain. Also, my advice would be to take approval from the mods before posting the image. Pls keep that in mind. One of the SN sources that was earlier available to anyone now requires a business account to buy SN. I do-not want to blame any-one. But if I remember correctly, a member had posted the SN bottle image without editing it. Because of that a pro-lifer may have found out, and that SN source now requires a business account in order to purchase it.

>Be careful with whom y'all share the sources. Pls keep that in mind and be really careful about it. Use your discretion while sharing the sources. Your are not obligated to share sources with everyone. Pls keep that in mind. Pls.

Folks, I'll update y'all tmrw for sure.
I'll definitely keep y'all updated.

Thank you 🫂. Your concern means a lot to me.
Quick Update:

A disappointing update. I couldn't get OTC antiemetics and sleeping-pills. One of the pharmacies I went to did not have Pepto-Bismol in stock.

In the other pharma, the pharmacist thought that I needed vomit-stop (which requires a prescription), I explained that I needed Pepto-Bismol, it was not in stock.

I'm not going back to those 2 pharmacies as I do-not want the pharmacists to get suspicious. I would have gone to an pharmacy where they'll likely have the stock of meds I need. The issue is those pharmacists know my dad. If I tried to buy from them, they'll get suspicious and could inform my dad. I don't want that to happen.

Btw, I realized that I have some tablets stock at home in the medicine cabinet (I'm truly a bloody idiot, why didn't I realize that before 🤦‍♂️). I'll search the medicine cabinet at home and hopefully I'll be able to get the needed med.

Regarding sleeping pills, I'll try my luck in a different pharma tmrw or on sat. I'll buy measuring cups, plastic cups and plastic tea spoons tmrw or on sat so that I can mix the correct amount of SN and water. What I've managed to get is a pulse-oximeter. I'll be using it when I consume SN to CTB. I'll use it to monitor my oxygen levels, heartbeat etc, and try to give a live update to y'all when I consume SN, until I'm no longer able to.

So far, here's what I've managed to buy, and I have my hands on:
>1000mg Paracetamol tablets.
>Antacid tablets.

What I'm yet to get my hands on:
>OTC antiemetic tablets.
>OTC Sleeping pills.
>Measuring cup, plastic cups and plastic teaspoons.

I'm hoping to get my hands on OTC antiemetic tablets, sleeping pills, and plastic- tea spoon, cups and a measuring cup by Sat evening latest.
Folks, I'll definitely keep y'all updated.
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Dec 16, 2021
What I plan to do is make a portion of the bathroom floor very slippery.
What I mean is I'll make one end of the bathroom floor slippery while I'll sit on the other end where I haven't made it slippery.
Don't worry, I'll take care to ensure that I do-not make the floor dangerous for myself and that I'll not fall and injure myself before consuming SN.
Bro, what if your parents enter and fall and injure themselves??. It is likely that not getting any response from you they will be hurrying and might slip and fall in bathroom . I would suggest avoid this i mean making the bathroom floor slippery.. People have fractured bones by slipping in bathroom.


Aug 22, 2023
Bro, what if your parents enter and fall and injure themselves??. It is likely that not getting any response from you they will be hurrying and might slip and fall in bathroom . I would suggest avoid this i mean making the bathroom floor slippery.. People have fractured bones by slipping in bathroom.
I'll not be making the floor too slippery. I'll try to buy a superglue and seal the door shut. Also, I'll place a bucket filled to the brim with water against the door. The slippery floor is just an extra addition to buy me (very limited but) valuable time. As I've mentioned, I won't make it too slippery.


Sep 27, 2023
It's really important question.
Is there anything that makes you happy.
Have u anything that keeps u here
Why it's so important to now because if u know that u can CBT at any moment u understand that u can do what do you want until something really bad happen u can use your plan.


Aug 22, 2023
It's really important question.
Is there anything that makes you happy.
Travelling to new destinations, driving two-wheelers and cars (I have a keen interest in automobiles), reading books, keen interest in history and geo-politics, living in a dense greenery area etc. These make me happy. Unfortunately due to my worsening condition, I've lost most of my interest in all of these.
Why it's so important to now because if u know that u can CBT at any moment u understand that u can do what do you want until something really bad happen u can use your plan.
Unfortunately my condition is worsening, my mental health is in shambles, and my bloody crippling social anxiety. Plus that my brain is playing it's tricks on me. Also, my paranoia is increasing as the days progress.
Suicide wasn't my first option. I had contemplated multiple times, kept asking myself if I really want to go ahead with CTB. Also, I've considered multiple factors.

My condition is worsening with the progressing days. My mental health is in shambles. Some people who have gotten to know about my condition are treating me like an outcast.
After much contemplation and considering factors, I've already made my decision to CTB, and that only CTB would bring me permanent peace.

At this point I've already given up. I'll proceed ahead with my plan and CTB.
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No beauty shines brighter than that of a good hear
Sep 28, 2023
How are you feeling today? I hope everything is going alright with you! Sending big hugs your way!
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No beauty shines brighter than that of a good hear
Sep 28, 2023
Know that we will be here for you, no matter what happens. :heart:
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Apr 3, 2023
Hang in there, we are thinking of you and wishing you well.
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Aug 22, 2023
Quick Update:

A disappointing update. I couldn't get OTC antiemetics and sleeping-pills. One of the pharmacies I went to did not have Pepto-Bismol in stock.

In the other pharma, the pharmacist thought that I needed vomit-stop (which requires a prescription), I explained that I needed Pepto-Bismol, it was not in stock.

I'm not going back to those 2 pharmacies as I do-not want the pharmacists to get suspicious. I would have gone to an pharmacy where they'll likely have the stock of meds I need. The issue is those pharmacists know my dad. If I tried to buy from them, they'll get suspicious and could inform my dad. I don't want that to happen.

Btw, I realized that I have some tablets stock at home in the medicine cabinet (I'm truly a bloody idiot, why didn't I realize that before 🤦‍♂️). I'll search the medicine cabinet at home and hopefully I'll be able to get the needed med.

Regarding sleeping pills, I'll try my luck in a different pharma tmrw or on sat. I'll buy measuring cups, plastic cups and plastic tea spoons tmrw or on sat so that I can mix the correct amount of SN and water. What I've managed to get is a pulse-oximeter. I'll be using it when I consume SN to CTB. I'll use it to monitor my oxygen levels, heartbeat etc, and try to give a live update to y'all when I consume SN, until I'm no longer able to.

So far, here's what I've managed to buy, and I have my hands on:
>1000mg Paracetamol tablets.
>Antacid tablets.

What I'm yet to get my hands on:
>OTC antiemetic tablets.
>OTC Sleeping pills.
>Measuring cup, plastic cups and plastic teaspoons.

I'm hoping to get my hands on OTC antiemetic tablets, sleeping pills, and plastic- tea spoon, cups and a measuring cup by Sat evening latest.
Folks, I'll definitely keep y'all updated.

Success!, I've checked the medicine cabinet at home and I've got my hands on a proper antiemetic tablet i.e. domperidone tablet (4 tablets, 10mg dose each). And I've got my hands on 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (6 tablets). I've successfully managed to hide these meds at home.

So here's the list of items and meds I have now:
>Paracetamol 1000mg tablets.
>Antacid tablets.
>Domperidone tablet.
>'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (pain reliever and muscle relaxant tablet).

What's left to buy:
>Measuring cup, plastic cups and plastic teaspoons.
>Superglue, or something close to it.

I'll buy the measuring cup, plastic - cups and teaspoons, and super glue, or something close to it tmrw.
Here's the regimen I'll be following, but with modifications (courtesy Vizzy's SN guide):

Here's the regimen (Vizzy's SN guide):

  • Stat Dose
Some people will not want to wait 2 days or fear that two days of using an antiemetic will have a negative effect on them. Stat dose is equally successful as the two day regime. Dignitas only use a Stat Dose process. Remember to consider the appropriate fasting and try not to drink for 2 hours beforehand.
1 hour before drinking SN600mg of Ibuprofen or 1000mg of paracetamol. You can use any pain killer as long as you stay within the recommended dose
45 minutes before drinking SN3 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg in total)
30 minutes before drinking SNDouble dose of what is recommended on the label of the antacid.
SN drink
Once consumed, immediately relax on a bed, couch or reclining chair. There is no way to predict for an individual when the effects will start to happen. The SN will give you low blood pressure and fainting is a common occurrence. This is a good thing as you are now unconscious and will feel nothing.


Instead of fasting for 8 hours, I'll be fasting for 6-7 hours (Min I'll fast is for 4 hours, no compromise on that). I'll stop drinking fluids 2 hours before SN consumption.

I'll consume paracetamol 1000mg 15 mins post dinner. This is because 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' has the dosage of 400mg + 325mg + 250mg respectively. I do-not want any damage to other organs in my body.

30 minutes before consuming SN, I'll consume 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet. And 20 mins before consuming SN, I'll consume antacid tablet.

I'll be following everything else as per the regimen. I'll not be buying sleeping pills or something close to sleeping pills as I have the needed meds. Hopefully, this plan of mine should work.

Btw, I'm unable to write a detailed suicide note, it's frustrating. In my mind I'm able to imagine a detailed suicide note. But irl, when I try to write it down my mind goes blank. If I'm not able to write a detailed note, I'll have to go with a short suicide note only.

I'll (99%) likely CTB tmrw (30/09/2023) from 8 or 8:30pm (9pm at max) onwards. I'll fast for 6-7 hours (min 4 hours, no compromise on that). After consuming the other essential meds, I'll consume SN anytime post 2am (1/10/2023). And I should hopefully be dead by 6:30am or 7am (1/10/2023).

Regarding the decoy note plan, my mom has got her new phone, which means that I can use the spare phone for the decoy method (and hopefully it will work). Also, I'll be sealing the bathroom door shut with superglue and place a bucket filled to the brim with water against the door. Also, I'll make the floor slippery (not-too-slippery though). Also, I'll be using timed-email and timed whatsapp messages (by using an app from google-playstore).

I'm hoping my plan will work and that I'll successfully CTB on my first attempt.
Folks, I'll keep y'all updated for sure.
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Jul 26, 2023
You've been on my mind, I wish so much for you to no longer have to deal with the pain you're currently struggling with emotionally and physically.
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Deleted member 65988


Success!, I've checked the medicine cabinet at home and I've got my hands on a proper antiemetic tablet i.e. domperidone tablet (4 tablets, 10mg dose each). And I've got my hands on 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (6 tablets). I've successfully managed to hide these meds at home.

So here's the list of items and meds I have now:
>Paracetamol 1000mg tablets.
>Antacid tablets.
>Domperidone tablet.
>'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (pain reliever and muscle relaxant tablet).

What's left to buy:
>Measuring cup, plastic cups and plastic teaspoons.
>Superglue, or something close to it.

I'll buy the measuring cup, plastic - cups and teaspoons, and super glue, or something close to it tmrw.
Here's the regimen I'll be following, but with modifications (courtesy Vizzy's SN guide):

Here's the regimen (Vizzy's SN guide):

  • Stat Dose
Some people will not want to wait 2 days or fear that two days of using an antiemetic will have a negative effect on them. Stat dose is equally successful as the two day regime. Dignitas only use a Stat Dose process. Remember to consider the appropriate fasting and try not to drink for 2 hours beforehand.
1 hour before drinking SN600mg of Ibuprofen or 1000mg of paracetamol. You can use any pain killer as long as you stay within the recommended dose
45 minutes before drinking SN3 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg in total)
30 minutes before drinking SNDouble dose of what is recommended on the label of the antacid.
SN drink
Once consumed, immediately relax on a bed, couch or reclining chair. There is no way to predict for an individual when the effects will start to happen. The SN will give you low blood pressure and fainting is a common occurrence. This is a good thing as you are now unconscious and will feel nothing.


Instead of fasting for 8 hours, I'll be fasting for 6-7 hours (Min I'll fast is for 4 hours, no compromise on that). I'll stop drinking fluids 2 hours before SN consumption.

I'll consume paracetamol 1000mg 15 mins post dinner. This is because 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' has the dosage of 400mg + 325mg + 250mg respectively. I do-not want any damage to other organs in my body.

30 minutes before consuming SN, I'll consume 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet. And 20 mins before consuming SN, I'll consume antacid tablet.

I'll be following everything else as per the regimen. I'll not be buying sleeping pills or something close to sleeping pills as I have the needed meds. Hopefully, this plan of mine should work.

Btw, I'm unable to write a detailed suicide note, it's frustrating. In my mind I'm able to imagine a detailed suicide note. But irl, when I try to write it down my mind goes blank. If I'm not able to write a detailed note, I'll have to go with a short suicide note only.

I'll (99%) likely CTB tmrw (30/09/2023) from 8 or 8:30pm (9pm at max) onwards. I'll fast for 6-7 hours (min 4 hours, no compromise on that). After consuming the other essential meds, I'll consume SN anytime post 2am (1/10/2023). And I should hopefully be dead by 6:30am or 7am (1/10/2023).

Regarding the decoy note plan, my mom has got her new phone, which means that I can use the spare phone for the decoy method (and hopefully it will work). Also, I'll be sealing the bathroom door shut with superglue and place a bucket filled to the brim with water against the door. Also, I'll make the floor slippery (not-too-slippery though). Also, I'll be using timed-email and timed whatsapp messages (by using an app from google-playstore).

I'm hoping my plan will work and that I'll successfully CTB on my first attempt.
Folks, I'll keep y'all updated for sure.
Just so that I can follow this thread exclusively, I'll keep an eye out on it throughout the day. This must've been so stressful for you for everything you've been through. I wish it wasn't like this at all. I also got a pulseoximeter myself.
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Aug 22, 2023
Just so that I can follow this thread exclusively, I'll keep an eye out on it throughout the day. This must've been so stressful for you for everything you've been through. I wish it wasn't like this at all. I also got a pulseoximeter myself.
I'll likely be posting a goodbye thread and a thank you message thread to the SS community. But not here. I'll share the link of the goodbye post and thank you note to SS community here though.

Anyways, I'll be updating you and the other members regarding the progress and link to my new posts here though. So do keep an eye out for the updates.

Btw, I want to thank you and the other members for being really supportive and non-judgmental. I could truly share my thoughts and how I felt. I'll really miss y'all.
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Deleted member 65988

I'll likely be posting a goodbye thread and a thank you message thread to the SS community. But not here. I'll share the link of the goodbye post and thank you note to SS community here though.

Anyways, I'll be updating you and the other members regarding the progress and link to my new posts here though. So do keep an eye out for the updates.

Btw, I want to thank you and the other members for being really supportive and non-judgmental. I could truly share my thoughts and how I felt. I'll really miss y'all.
You've been an absolutely awesome to have around and I will miss you for one since this situation of your sounds very sad and this is the only way out of it.

I won't be doing much of anything throughout the day so I'll be following this thread closely.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
After reading through the thread. I wish you all the best with your plan. It's really tough situation but as long as you are in peace with your decision it's fine. My PM is open. I hope you find peace and freedom! :-)
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Aug 22, 2023

Success!, I've checked the medicine cabinet at home and I've got my hands on a proper antiemetic tablet i.e. domperidone tablet (4 tablets, 10mg dose each). And I've got my hands on 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (6 tablets). I've successfully managed to hide these meds at home.

So here's the list of items and meds I have now:
>Paracetamol 1000mg tablets.
>Antacid tablets.
>Domperidone tablet.
>'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet (pain reliever and muscle relaxant tablet).

What's left to buy:
>Measuring cup, plastic cups and plastic teaspoons.
>Superglue, or something close to it.

I'll buy the measuring cup, plastic - cups and teaspoons, and super glue, or something close to it tmrw.
Here's the regimen I'll be following, but with modifications (courtesy Vizzy's SN guide):

Here's the regimen (Vizzy's SN guide):

  • Stat Dose
Some people will not want to wait 2 days or fear that two days of using an antiemetic will have a negative effect on them. Stat dose is equally successful as the two day regime. Dignitas only use a Stat Dose process. Remember to consider the appropriate fasting and try not to drink for 2 hours beforehand.
1 hour before drinking SN600mg of Ibuprofen or 1000mg of paracetamol. You can use any pain killer as long as you stay within the recommended dose
45 minutes before drinking SN3 X 10mg Metoclopramide (30mg in total)
30 minutes before drinking SNDouble dose of what is recommended on the label of the antacid.
SN drink
Once consumed, immediately relax on a bed, couch or reclining chair. There is no way to predict for an individual when the effects will start to happen. The SN will give you low blood pressure and fainting is a common occurrence. This is a good thing as you are now unconscious and will feel nothing.


Instead of fasting for 8 hours, I'll be fasting for 6-7 hours (Min I'll fast is for 4 hours, no compromise on that). I'll stop drinking fluids 2 hours before SN consumption.

I'll consume paracetamol 1000mg 15 mins post dinner. This is because 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' has the dosage of 400mg + 325mg + 250mg respectively. I do-not want any damage to other organs in my body.

30 minutes before consuming SN, I'll consume 'Ibuprofen + Paracetamol + Chlorzoxazone' tablet. And 20 mins before consuming SN, I'll consume antacid tablet.

I'll be following everything else as per the regimen. I'll not be buying sleeping pills or something close to sleeping pills as I have the needed meds. Hopefully, this plan of mine should work.

Btw, I'm unable to write a detailed suicide note, it's frustrating. In my mind I'm able to imagine a detailed suicide note. But irl, when I try to write it down my mind goes blank. If I'm not able to write a detailed note, I'll have to go with a short suicide note only.

I'll (99%) likely CTB tmrw (30/09/2023) from 8 or 8:30pm (9pm at max) onwards. I'll fast for 6-7 hours (min 4 hours, no compromise on that). After consuming the other essential meds, I'll consume SN anytime post 2am (1/10/2023). And I should hopefully be dead by 6:30am or 7am (1/10/2023).

Regarding the decoy note plan, my mom has got her new phone, which means that I can use the spare phone for the decoy method (and hopefully it will work). Also, I'll be sealing the bathroom door shut with superglue and place a bucket filled to the brim with water against the door. Also, I'll make the floor slippery (not-too-slippery though). Also, I'll be using timed-email and timed whatsapp messages (by using an app from google-playstore).

I'm hoping my plan will work and that I'll successfully CTB on my first attempt.
Folks, I'll keep y'all updated for sure.
Quick update:

I've finally finished writing my suicide note. It's a short note, but it has what I want to convey. I'll be buying the measuring cup, plastic - tea spoons and cups, superglue or something close to it tonight. Once I buy these items my suicide kit will be complete. Also, if possible I'll try to buy gloves.

I'll be posting a 'Thank you message to SS community' thread and 'goodbye' thread and share the link of those threads here anytime post 6pm Indian Standard Time, so keep an eye on this thread. I'll definitely be updating y'all for sure.

Btw, a word of caution to y'all if some of y'all are using google. Read this article fully and carefully (link below):
After reading through the thread. I wish you all the best with your plan. It's really tough situation but as long as you are in peace with your decision it's fine. My PM is open. I hope you find peace and freedom! :-)
Thank you. Hoping to succeed in my plans.
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Deleted member 65988

I'll be buying the measuring cup, plastic - tea spoons and cups, superglue or something close to it tonight. Once I buy these items my suicide kit will be complete. Also, if possible I'll try to buy gloves.
once again, I wish you all the best for everything going forward.
I'll be posting a 'Thank you message to SS community' thread and 'goodbye' thread and share the link of those threads here anytime post 6pm Indian Standard Time, so keep an eye on this thread. I'll definitely be updating y'all for sure.
I'll be waiting around myself to see what happens and I have a pulseoximeter now too.
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