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Papa Shinai

Papa Shinai

Feb 2, 2024
I find it nonsensical how most people find the life difficult yet they choose to procreate without giving a second thought. I hate how no one sees bringing someone is unnecessary to this burdensome existence. Most people move with their instincts and lack critical thinking. I will never see the appeal of throwing someone to this unnecessary existence.

I would be torn apart if I saw my child struggling (which is inevitable) in this unnecessary existence. I am happy that they are and will remain free forever.
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I am falling I am fading I have lost it all
Mar 20, 2023
Me too, honestly. Seems like the people who want kids and can give them beautiful lives struggle yet you have parents like mine who are able to manifest them without second thought. Extremely irresponsible. And the ones who suffer the most from it most likely are their kids. Don't have kids if you can't be asked to love and care for them.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
I'm not going to have kids but honestly I don't give a shit about whether other people do, as long as they don't try to convince me to change my mind. There are enough things in my life to worry about, so I don't feel the need to care about what other people choose to do, if it doesn't affect me. It's not like me worrying about it is going to change anything.
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What the hell I'm doing here?
Apr 9, 2024
What you cook is what you will eat, but why children who would suffer should be eating what you cooked?
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I luv dolls
Nov 4, 2023
I 100% agree!!! I was meant to be aborted but my mother is so prolife she decided to have me anyway, i grew up poor and struggling with an abusive dad. I didn't want this life, i don't understand how people can be so selfish. I resent my mother to a certain degree, my childhood has caused me so much pain and the trauma affects me till this day. I wish people would stop having kids but then society would collapse.
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She wished that she never existed...
Sep 24, 2020
It's just horrific to me how humans choose to so harmfully procreate even know nobody can suffer from never existing at all yet there is literally no limit as to how torturous this hellish and harmful existence can get, there really is unlimited potential to suffer as long as one exists.

Existence really was completely unnecessary, meaningless and futile in the first place, it's so selfish and disgusting to force this burden onto someone else. In my case I wish I never existed more than anything, only being permanently unconcious is ideal to me, I wish I stayed eternally unaware of the abomination that is existence.
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novelist, sanskritist, Canadian living in India
Nov 13, 2021
It's not so simple if you actually experience desire and love.


Jan 14, 2024
I would never have kids personally and do I think it's unwise to bring children into this world? Yes. But I don't care what other people do.
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Apr 20, 2024
I agree with this, I don't think I can bring kids into the world unless I can be 100% sure I will be the perfect parent to them. And it's just not possible to be the perfect parent. I'm not going to dictate what other people do because I literally cannot, but this is how I've felt for a while. There are enough dumb people who are clearly not fit to be parents out there birthing kids without any thought, I'd rather not have my own kids and try my best to help the kids who are already here and hurting. There are plenty of kids who don't have loving parents who I could take out of the messed up care system and do my best to provide a better life for them, obviously I still can't be sure I'll be the best parent but these kids are here already so I'm going to do what I can to put myself into the right headspace and make sure I'm as secure as possible and then adopt (and I wouldn't adopt if I wasn't confident I could do a good job).


Mar 4, 2024
Populations are in crisis mode. The birth rate to elderly rate has passed the point of no return. Social security in the USA is set to run out by about 2037 due to the inverted curve that is currently on the cards.
Even with fast life style people having children (impulsive, no self control, no forward thinking, etc) it's caused people in poverty to pump out kids like no tomorrow and the other end of the spectrum is people with money having kids. The gap in the middle is a huge percentage of the population and they are not having children.

I still think that if you have shit genetics and bad financial situation you shouldn't have children. We have driver license and tests so people don't kill each other on the roads, why isn't there a parent test????
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Youre not even in the hole, are you?
Feb 13, 2023
Will never forgive my parents for bringing me into this world...they decided to have me and my siblings while they were poor....they had trouble paying bills and food ,,they had a lot of trauma and they took it out on my siblings and I.... when i was younger I had to share a room with 3 other siblings,(still do lol can't afford to move out) there's no privacy no space for belongings no chance to be an individual.... all because they were poor and decided to have children, multiple of them back to back.....we are all 2 years apart.... what's funny is with my youngest brother, dad wanted my mom to get an abortion cause they couldn't afford another child....mom decided to keep the baby despite being poor.... I hate my siblings because we basically all bullied each other as an outlet cause our parents would take their anger out on us....eughhh

Basically to sum it all up:
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