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the night will be eternal
Feb 2, 2024
Potential this, potential that, who cares. We aren't machines that need to be optimised to perfection. I once thought the opposite but then realised how stupid that is when a person told me that I hadn't reached my full potential yet. I am who I am and that's that. If I want to pursue something because it fulfills me then I can but I don't have to reach my full potential(whatever that's even supposed to mean).
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Mar 15, 2023
oh yes. I grew up a very smart child. I hit burnout in middle school and stopped wanting to learn because I grew so depressed and didn't care about my future. now I still like learning, but I've missed so much potential because of my grades. I only recently thought I could maybe go to college, but I failed 9th grade and have a 1.7 gpa because of it.. I always thought I could make a career as an artist, it's been a lifelong passion of mine. but now I am pretty sure I've completely stagnated in it my entire life. I want to quit art now. I also love coding. but I don't feel like it lately. I've put a lot of time into my music, but no one wants to listen to it. I'm not smart nor do I have any special talent.. I am not sure to do. this also having autism, there's no way I could even do a regular half time job to support myself. honestly, one of the reasons I want to ctb is that I have no hope for my future. I'd probably become homeless. my girlfriend would probably leave me because of my lack of being able to support us. I'm scared for it, and I said i'id move in with her next year but really I just hope I die before I have all these adult responsibilities I could never do..
I've also lost potential in my friendships, I've spent a lot of my time being depressed around them and not responding to messages. I know I just struggle with that, but I wish I had friends who didn't see me as that.. it's just really hard t o pretend I don't struggle with talking to people and how depression drains my energy as soon as I wake up in the morning.
a positive thing about myself I think, is that I'm pretty intellectual and I like to see things as they are. I'll explain these things to people who are having problems in order to help them. it mostly comes from my interest in psychology and philosophy. sadly I can't really apply this skill to anything, I'd need a degree to have this kind of job.
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Tempus fugit
Feb 7, 2023
From the start I had no potential.
Though I had something beneficial,
I was hopeless at making money -
I'm not accurate, fast or funny.

I had to meet huge expectations,
In this world ruled by corporations.
Though I was supposed to go through,
I was crushed - I got bipolar II.

And I'm a disabled worker now.
Everyone says you reap what you sow.
Though my life is now total disgrace,
I'm looking for something to embrace.

Or maybe that you haven't wasted it yet, but that you would if you decided to end your life?
The only thing I think I should do is to live without my parents' assistance, and I'm potentially be able to do that, so if I ruined the chance then it might be the time to go. I'm 36 and still live with my parents, and I don't want to be alive when they kick me out from their house and I end up on the street.
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If I can't be my own, I'd feel better dead
Feb 24, 2024
Absolutely. It's one of the reasons I'm suicidal.
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May 6, 2024
The word potential is terrible and overused in our society. As Issa Rae reminded in AF, "potential is what people see when what's in front of them isn't good enough."

This is one of those words that are neither helpful, except to further create a society where everyone must be rated. I would recommend ignoring that word, as well as ridding yourself of 'best'. Life is about developing and really always learning no matter the age. Learning about ourselves, the world outside, other humans. Learning about our relationship to ourselves and to the outside world and other humans.

Fuckk potential, tune that shit out best u can. I especially dislike how it's used towards younger people.
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Lady Laudanum

Lady Laudanum

May 9, 2024
In some ways, yes. But it doesn't really matter because I also achieved some things that most of my peers haven't yet.


Oct 4, 2021
My family insisted when I was a child that I was really clever. I knew I was better than average but not top of the class. The inevitable failure vs results as expected has set me up for a lifetime of dread if anyone tells me I'm really good at something as I automatically assume I'm not as good as they think and genuinely can't tell the difference. So the answer will vary wildly depending on who you ask. 🙄


can someone just kill me already
Mar 27, 2024
I definitely relate to this. I live my life feeling like a failure and i see myself as irredeemable


death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
No, I never really had any potential to begin with because I got a case of ASD which isn't me being a hyper genius savant. I was good at academics when I was younger (aside from english) but that doesn't matter now as, since I'm in university, I need to study as much as other people do to not fail in academics. Besides, even if I did have potential, I wouldn't bother using it. Why would I? I have no interest in trying my hardest in everything. Ever since I was born, I preferred inertia and doing as little as I can which is what I've been doing my entire life so far (I never really interacted with anybody in school, I never did any extra curriculars, I never went beyond what I had to do). Therefore, even if I did have potential, I wouldn't use it because I always preferred inertia. Maybe that's why I like death so much as a dead person is in the ultimate state of inertia


May 11, 2024
My whole life is one giant pile of wasted potential. It's soul crushing and the extent of it can only happen to someone as stupid as me.


Mar 2, 2023
Oh yes. All the time. Everyone around me is successful in some respect, I had things going for me, but my physical body and mental health took it all away...
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All of these lies are not worth fighting for
Feb 18, 2024
Nope, i let my ego and pride die years ago when i realised they weren't worth the cost and have only helped make me miserable.

i realised that there isn't a single thing i can do that someone else couldn't do better. There isn't a single thing i can do that will somehow impact this hellhole and make it better.

i let go of delusions like "potentially" and embraced facts.


I am falling I am fading I have lost it all
Mar 20, 2023
I don't think, I know.


looking for CTB partner in SEA
Sep 19, 2023
Or maybe that you haven't wasted it yet, but that you would if you decided to end your life?

I've already wasted a lot of mine. I used to be an academically gifted student, but I ended up dropping out. School made me even more anxious and depressed than I already was. And now I can't bring myself to get back into it.

All I have left is art. If my mental state doesn't improve, I don't think I can get very far with it no matter how good I am. So maybe I don't hold any real potential for success anymore.

I'm a massive disappointment to everyone around me and myself.
I am with you here... I dropped out two years ago just few days in grade 12 because of social anxiety... i just couldnt.. you know what the funny part is? i was an honor student right before that grade but my mind was too focused on my surroundings , especially peers.. i cant say i dont regret my decision back then because until now i couldnt imagine myself getting back to it.. ive wasted two years... last year was rough that was when i finally consulted a therapist... but this crippling social anxiety has been going on since i was in 6th grade... I feel so disappointed on myself.. i just wanna go back in time.. even though my parents back then werent supportive i shouldve just persevered.. last year was worse, i felt so old going back to that same classroom that i once dropped out even tho i was only 1 year ahead of then (because i dropped out when i was 17 so i came back when i was 18 right after dropping out) they werent as welcoming and friendly as those classmates that i had when i first dropped out.. why did i even let that one insult stopped me.. i know my mind isnt in a very stable state back then so i cant really put blame on myself.. to be freaking h9nest i blame my narcissistic parents for how they treated me.. it affected how i act and make decisions outside of our home , i became a really quiet kid because i wasnt allowed to even go against the slightest to their opinions.. i always thought that my opinion doesnt have an impact and that its better if somebody else makes the decision.. the part that really hurts me tho is that theyre not aware of it because they grew up in really toxic households too , both of them.. thats why i despise people who chose to conceive children unreadily ..qnd it was only when i was 17 the same year i dropped out that i discovered i was unplanned aka an accident, that explains why i was always treated as if im their minion i wasnt granted authority over stuffs i wasnt allowed to make my own decision .. i was an accident on my fathers perspective but on my mother's itw as a lil bit different as apparently she wanted to have me so she can get out of their household aka family so what other way can she get out aside from getting pregnant right? and so i was conceived because of that selfish reason.. it just hurts me that i was brought upon into this survival of the fittest environment because an individual wanted out of her own situation, in that case my mum... but nevertheless i still consider myself lucky compared to others that have demonic parents.. , my parents provide the basics like meals 2 times a day.. im so envious of my peers that had succeeded in life or are starting their life already because they were in a secure , supportive , and loving environment.. mine is very inconsistent and unstable , sometimes its good most times its bad.. thats why i am very confused about how to feel..

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